Saturday, October 6, 2012

For a Good Time, Call...


Straight-laced Lauren has just been dumped by her boyfriend and fired from her job, and needs a new place to live.  Fun-loving Katie lives in a fabulous apartment but is a little strapped for cash, and needs a roommate.  Perfect, right?  Except Katie is working as a phone sex operator, but not making much money at it.  In exchange for a break on her half of the rent, Lauren gets on board and vows to help Katie turn a profit.  So they strike out together in the phone sex business, and turn a profit they do - and become the best of friends in the process, learning about themselves and each other as they go. 

I thought For a Good Time, Call... was a fun and cute.  It remained funny throughout and there were some absolutely hilarious moments involving the phone sex business.  But at its core, I thought it was a sort of adorable story about female friendship.  It was fun to watch Lauren's and Katie's transformations - Lauren loosens up and sheds her prissy demeanor, and Katie lets her guard down and admits some vulnerability.  All in all - a lighthearted, consistently funny story about the friendship between two young women trying to make a living.  7.5 out of 10.

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